Sunday, January 02, 2005

new year's eve

© leigh vega

Saturday, October 16, 2004


fucking awesome!

~ lv

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

republica dominicana

~ me

all images copyright leigh vega

Friday, July 09, 2004

rock stars

mommy & a asked me to do a photo shoot with them for their 11th anniversary.

it's all about the leather pants and cowboy boots.

attitude baby, attitude.

backstage with kid rock? not this time.


artist trading cards

my first batch of atc's are all packed up and ready to be mailed to quebec. the process was inspiring and also sort of frustrating. i was a little hesitant and intimidated, but i know i'll continue to experiment and reach new levels of creativity. blah is how i feel right now.


here are my beauties........

this last one is giving me problems when i try to print it -- the printer doesn't seem to want to use its b&w ink, and only spits it out in red. hmmmm...... so here it may live forever, in computer land.

~ you know my name -- bum ba bum bummmmmmmm

Friday, June 18, 2004

stuff that annoys me

When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Screw off. What good is a goddamn cake if you can't eat it? What, should I eat someone else's cake instead?

 When people say "It's always in the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?

When people say "Life is short." What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What? Are they going to do something that's longer?


fair dinkum

G'day Leigh,

I'm in Laos and about to get on a 24 hour bus ride to Vietnam.I've been in Chang Mai (north Thailand). Much nicer than Bangkok, kinda rural. It's still quite a shock to see how polluted the air and streets are. I've been getting around on a motorbike, great way to see the joint.

I went on a 3 day trek through the jungle. That was pretty cool, hot and humid.

While on the trek we went Elephant riding, and what a shit thing that proved to be, for so many reasons. Firstly seeing the ways these local blokes treat those big humble champs of animals. They lead em around with a hook in their ear, bleeding. 

We were all loaded up on top of the elephants, 2 per elephant, and we were riding nervously along the track when our elephant decided to stand on the edge of a step embankment, then the big bastard slipped! I haven't shat myself like that for along time, I was screaming "get us up"! and the blokes running the joint smacked it on the head and starting shooting it with sling shots to get it back on the track. For a second I fair dinkum though I was gunna die. If I had of fallen off and down the embankment, and then the elephant on top of me, well.

I was in a combined state of fright, and total anger at the treatment of the elephant. When the elephant came good and got back on the track the blokes shoved shit (actual shit) in it's mouth.

As much as I was shaken I still understood that this big creature doesn't want someone like me on it's back, and less so, pricks like them hitting it, making it's ear bleed with hooks, and putting shit in it's mouth.

But it's all part of me being broken into a way of life other than what I know. It's hard not too judge though.

Aside from that, there have been some great things. On the trek we stayed overnight in several jungle villages. Don't know if you've ever seen Platoon, but the villages and jungle were the same sort of setting. The people are so happy by default, not at all corrupt or stressed by deadline. It's a preview into the human spirit before materialism.

Laos has been amazing, it's much quieter than Thailand. The adventure continues, I've only been away 3 weeks but I feel like I can barely remember home.

Hope you and Eduardo are well and good. I'll be in touch along the way, although I'm often in areas where it's difficult to access email.

Bye for now little curly.

Jackie Chan Kerrigan


Wednesday, June 16, 2004

true american

the next time the demons come, he said, just wave your penis at them.

i can't do that, i said.

why not? he said.

well, i said finally.
because i'm american.

~ brian andreas

Friday, June 11, 2004

audio for "an old friend"

this is an audio post - click to play

an old friend

amy asked me to design a cd cover for her and ashley's wedding songs, to be given out at their wedding. this is what i came up with tonight. the font's a little hard to read but that can always be reworked - not sure if she's even going to use it since i was pretty late in getting it to her. i've been hibernating from my jersey friends for the past few weeks, been feeling very separate from them. our friendships sometimes feel more like an obligation than a joy.

i found an old journal entry about amy. the audio post above is an excerpt from it.

audio for "a different kind of journey"

this is an audio post - click to play

a different kind of journey

li + jeni vega, stars of the most recent journey video, hang together at a local bar in tucson called firefly. like the magical creatures for which this watering hole is named, these rockstar chicks are flashy and elusive. after a quick shot at striking up a conversation, they are on their way, sweeping out the door. they allow one brief pose for the camera and a few comments are overheard as they melt off into the crowd:

li: damn, i got razor burn on my pits.

jeni: you look hot babe, give us a kiss.

nananananana nananana nananananananananananana............